The NY Times is one of the highly popular American daily newspaper, publishing & circulating especially in the New York City since September 1851. This daily newspaper is published by The New York Times Company, a well-known company winning over 120 Pulitzer Prizes which is higher than any other newspaper company. The paper was declared the 2nd highest circulating paper in 2013, behind The Wall Street Journal.
With the growing virtual market people are heading towards the internet for daily tasks. A large number of readers has switched their reading habit, from the paper newspaper to the online newspaper. And it justifies the reason, online it is faster, easily available, you can read whenever-where ever you want, and it costs nothing. According to NY Times, they have tracked even a noticeable number of new readers on the internet. So as you can see with the collaboration of e-market NY times is now much bigger & popular.
Because of the larger number of online readers, NY times has recently included ‘paywall’. As the name suggests, you need to pay to get access to the (news) wall. After launching the paywall system NY times has received more negative reviews than the positive one. It is needlessly complicated and a big headache and costs a lot. So as I mentioned above about the e-newspapers being cost-free, NY times broke the regular methods and started charging money and that too very high. According to my calculation, one can buy a year’s subscription to The Wall Street Journal, Pandora, Netflix, and storage in the Dropbox. Funny right? It’s ridiculous.
In this article, I will show you a simple hacking process which will help save your bucks.
Let’s find out,
How to Bypass New York (NY) Times PayWall?
Get rid of the irritating paywall, follow the simple steps mentioned below.
Step 1: Open the website-> click on the address bar and select the full address.
Step 2: Whatever you see after .htlm, delete everything.
Step3: Hit Enter button and wait for it to reload.
Tadaa…. Your job is done. Very simple right? Well, you won’t find anything simpler than this. You can now enjoy cost-free reading. It’s a big loophole, or you can say mistake for their web developers, and hopefully, they will correct it as soon as they realize, till then you can save your money.
Typo! You mean .html not .htlm
I can finally call myself a hacker