Bounce And Share Widget For Blogger
You might have noticed the beautiful sharing widget on 1001-Tricks-India blog. You can add the same bounce and share widget in your blogger blogs with some easy tweaks.
</head>Add the following code below that:
<link href=''...
Tip: Backup And Restore Your Blogger Template
You need to backup your template every time you want to tinker with the code. Better yet always keep a latest version of your template stored in your PC.
Now that you understand the importance...
How To: Enable Nested Comments In Blogger
Finally, Blogger has enabled Threaded Comments to blogger platform. Its a very good move done by blogger team. Because, Most of the blogger users don't like the default comment system in blogger.
Enable Threaded Comments...
Easily Create An Adsense Privacy Policy For Your Blog/Website
Read This Important Part Of Google's New Adsense Terms And Conditions:
“You must have and abide by an appropriate privacy policy that clearly discloses that third parties may be placing and reading cookies on your...
Auto Description, Keyword Meta Tag For Blogger Posts
Description, Keywords, And other meta tags are important for every blog post if need a good page rank in search engines.
The below script will help to increase your blog's search engine ranks by automatically...