Creating a recovery usb disc will become very useful at critical situations. In this post, I’ll explain you on creating a portable usb recovery disc on pendrive for windows xp.
Trick For Making A USB Recovery Disc For Windows XP:
- First download Recovery USB Console.
- Extract the downloaded “mkrecovery.zip” to your desktop.
- Right-click the “mkrecover.cmd” and click edit from the extracted folder.
- With notepad, Change the “USBDRV” setting from “R:” to the path of your pendrive location.
- Then change the “XPSRC” value to “f:i386winnt32.exe,” where “F” should be the path of your cd rom drive where windows xp disc is inserted.
- And save that file.
- Then execute mkrecovery.cmd ( Make sure that you have inserted a valid windows xp disc and you have plugged a usb thumb drive.)
- Thats all! You have successfully created a USB Recovery Console Disc for Windows XP.
There are different ways for making a Recovery console disc on usb drive, Here are some other resources which will help to make a usb recovery console disc if the above trick is not working.
* Try the 911cd.net’s way.
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