Most Effective Google Penalty Recovery Tips

In this article, I’ve listed some of the most effective Google penalty recovery tips which could help you recover your website or blog which has got hit by any of the Google updates like Penguin,...
wordpress tricks

Huge List of Ping Services for WordPress

Pinging Will Help You To Inform Websites, Search Engines, And Blogs Whenever You Publish A New Article On Your Blog. Wordress Provides Auto Pinging Facility, But By Default It Will Notify To Pingomatic Only....

How To: Set Up Google Authorship For Your Blog

Google has started to show the profile picture of the blog author along with their contents for the people who are using Google Authorship markup on their blog or where they writes. You can...

Free Ebooks On SEO From Google

Google will teach you "How To Optimize Your Blog For Google Search Engine" with the help of a free e-book. Table of contents for this e-book: * SEO Basics * Create unique, accurate page titles * Make...
How Much Do You Spend On Your Kids' Clothes?

How Much Do You Spend On Your Kids’ Clothes?

Children's clothes are an essential part of their wardrobe. Parents want to provide their kids with the best and most stylish clothing that suits their personalities. However, the cost of kids' dresses can vary...

How To: Get Free Automatic Backlinks To Your Blog | Automatic Backlinks

I have posted some good articles for increasing your SEO rank. Like, Generating a Sitemap for your articles and images, Optimizing images on your blog, Great trick for increasing your alexa rank, SEO tips...
Pakistani Clothes Available Now At Best Offers

Pakistani Clothes Available Now At Best Offers

Pakistan is a country that is known for its rich culture and traditions. The country is renowned for its colorful and vibrant clothing. Pakistani clothes are known for their intricate embroidery, beautiful prints, and...

Get A Detailed Report Of Your Blog/Website

Get A Detailed Report Of Your Website/Blog From Website GraderDetails Are Classified As:I. On-Page SEO A. Metadata B. Heading Summary C. Image Summary D. Interior Page Analysis:E. Readability Level:II....

Remove A Blog Image From Google Search

To remove an image from Google’s image index, add a robots.txt file to the root of the server that blocks the image.For example, if you want Google to exclude the dogs.jpg image that appears...

How To Increase Your Blog’s Alexa Rank Quickly

Alexa is a very popular Web Evaluation and Analytics service provider , But its ranking system and toolbar are more popular that it is. Alexa ranks websites according to the amount of traffic it receives. Here...