wordpress tricks


If you have read my previous article on How to create a Self Hosted WordPress blog for Free, then you might be a proud new owner of a WordPress blog. This article is just for those who are new to WordPress and for those bloggers who are trying to make some money with their blog.

What are the different ways to make Money with a Blog?

Wordpress money making tips and tricks

There is no limit on how you can monetize or how much you can earn with a blog. Opportunities and potential are so huge that we just have to find the right method. Here I’ll list some usual ways of making money using Blogs.

Cost Per Click (CPC) Advertisements:

CPC Advertisements are the most popular method used by the bloggers around the World for generating revenue. Revenue is based on the number of clicks you get for the ads displayed on your blog, CPC may vary from $0.1 to $50 per click.

    • Google Adsense: Google Adsense is owned by Google Inc, It is the best and most popular Ad network. To become a publisher of Google Adsense, You have to apply using an online registration form available a www.google.com/adsense. Adsense is strict with their TOS. It’s difficult to get approved and it’s very easy to get banned.
    • Chitika:
      Chitika is a good ad network to give a try, it’s not hard to get approved into their publisher network. They are good at the CPC values and timely payment.
    • Adbrite:
      Adbrite is also based on the no of click that your ad units generate, you can sign up for a publisher account by visiting www.adbrite.com/mb/exchange_publishers.php.
You can also try ad networks like Clicksor, Bidvertiser, and Adoptim.

Affiliate Marketing:

     Affiliate Marketing is a method by which you have to refer people to buy third party products and services, and in return, you’ll get paid with a commission amount. There are many affiliate networks and affiliate products available online, You just have to find the appropriate products/services which might interest your blog readers. It is one of the best ways to make some quick money online, thousands of people are making thousands of dollars every month by promoting affiliate products/services online.
  • Amazon Affiliate Network
    You might know that Amazon is one of the world’s best online E-commerce websites. By joining their affiliate network, you’ll get an opportunity to promote thousands of products which are available in the online store. You can make up to 10% of each product by referring other users. Sign up for an account by visiting https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/.
There are tons of affiliate networks and products other than the mentioned two, like Google Affiliate Network, Shareasale, Clickbooth, Ebay partner program, etc.

Direct Advertising:

    Direct advertising is a monetizing method in which you have to display ads of a particular website/product in return of money. Direct advertising could be a good idea if you are getting a good amount of traffic every month. Here are some of the website which will help you to find direct advertisers related to your niche.
 It would better to try and contact advertisers within your niche by email so that you don’t have to share commission or service charges to the networks.

Writing Sponsored Reviews:

    There are many advertisers who are looking for an appropriate blog where they could submit a sponsored article in order to generate sales and to build backlinks. The value of a sponsored review will vary according to your Page Rank, Backlinks, and Domain authority. Here are some networks which will help you to find advertisers who are interested in sponsored reviews.
Above all, If you really want to make money with your blog, You have to concentrate on delivering high quality, Unique articles. And you must keep in mind that, Traffic is the key to success.



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