Now Every Engineering And Science Students Could Take The Benefit Of IIT Video Lectures On Youtube. The Courses Are Based On The Curriculum That’s Suggested By AICTE.
The IIT And IISc Faculty Have Recorded Around 4,750 Videos For This Project. Anyone, From Anywhere Could Watch The Lectures Online Through YouTube At youtube.com/iit.
Your favorite courses available for certification! study, write an exam and get a certificate from the IITs! Check http://nptel.ac.in/noc This channel provides technical lectures from seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore. Please visit the NPTEL Channel List below to view the complete list of courses. (24 Channels)
NPTEL Online Certification Courses Since 2013, through an online portal, 4-, 8-, or 12-week online courses, typically on topics relevant to students in all years of higher education along with basic core courses in sciences and humanities with exposure to relevant tools and technologies, are being offered. The enrolment to and learning from these courses involves no cost.
Thats more than useful
great tip, hats off
thank you..
great tip, hats off