Alexa is a very popular Web Evaluation and Analytics service provider , But its ranking system and toolbar are more popular that it is. Alexa ranks websites according to the amount of traffic it receives. Here I’m revealing some trick by which you can easily increase your alexa traffic rank in days.
Tricks For Increasing Alexa Rank:
- Download Alexa toolbar free. If you are using Firefox, I recommend you to use another plug-in called SearchStatus which not only displays the Alexa rank but it also shows page rank details, no follow links, meta tags, keyword density of a page etc
- Put an Alexa rank widget on your blog. Each click will be counted as a visitor.
- Encourage your friends or colleagues to use Alexa toolbar. Explain them about the tracking system of the toolbar. Ask them to rate your Alexa website profile.
- Try to get dugg or stumbled. This will bring massive amount of traffic to your site and contributes a lot to your Alexa rank.
- Write content related to webmasters. This is because most of the webmasters use Alexa toolbar. You may write and post articles related to SEO, webmaster tools. Webmasters always look for new tools and may revisit your website to gain access to the tools. Promote your articles on webmaster forums and social networking sites.
- Buy links and banners from webmaster forums. A well displayed ad can bring lots of webmaster traffic to your site and boost your rank. But you need to have unique and good content on your blog to attract more and more visitors.
- Write about Alexa and post in your blog. Bloggers love to know about different ways of increasing their Alexa rank. This may eventually increase traffic and your rank.
- You may try Alexa autosurfs for a new site or blog. They may work for new sites having almost zero Alexa rank. But they are not a long term solution.
alsoread: Tricks For Increasing Visitors From Bing
I will try it for my blog
I think, its a brilliant trick for boosting traffic via alexa.
thanks for the tricks.
It really works.
hats off
Great working tips…
hats off
I think, its a brilliant trick for boosting traffic via alexa.