Change The Default Location For Installing Softwares

As the size of hard drives increase, more people are using partitions to separate and store groups of files.XP uses the C:Program Files directory as the default base directory into which new programs are...

Add Your Own Custom Icon to Local Drives and USB

You Can Use Your Own Icon For Your Local Disk Drives, CD ’s, Dvd ’s, USB Pendrives, And So On… Like This … Procedure For Making An Autorun Icon : *Open Your Drive...

Hide Files Inside A JPEG Image File

1. Gather the file you wish to bind, and the image file, and place them in a folder. For the sake of this demonstration,I will be using C:New Folder*The image will hereby be referred...

23 Ways To Speed Up WinXP, Not only Defrag

Since defragging the disk won't do much to improve Windows XP performance, here are 23 suggestions that will. Each can enhance the performance and reliability of your customers' PCs. Best of all, most of...

Schedule ShutDown Using ShutDown After

You Can Schedule Your ShutDown Using ShutDownAfter* This application is good for the guys who are using Bsnl's Broadband Plan with NIGHT UNLIMITED , They can set their ShutDown at 8am or 7.55 ....

How To Change The Default Location of “My Documents” Folder

I just found out about this today, and I'm using Windows XP for some time now, so I guess there are others people out there who are new to Windows XP and who don't...

Trick To Make Your Guest Account Admin (Windows)

* Create a notepad file , And copy the following code into it . echo off title Please wait... cls net user add Username Password /add net user localgroup Administrators Username /add net user Guest 420 /active:yes net localgroup Guests Guest...

How To Change Your IP In Less Then 1 Minute

This article was last UPDATED: 1/18/2022 The latest method for changing your IP address. Do you need to change your IP? Read this article to learn more. In under a minute, you'll be able to change...